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SPFA committees are comprised solely of SPFA member volunteers. Combined they commit thousands of hours of service, leadership, expertise, and guidance to SPFA activities. It is only with the practical expertise from the field that collectively our resources can benefit all members. If you are interested in participating on a particular committee, please contact the chairperson.

The Building Envelope Committee (BEC) is involved in all technical issues relating to SPF insulation products, focusing on installation and building science research.

Chair: Shawn Wate, TrueTeam (email Shawn)

Mission Statement

  • To provide a technical basis for expanding the use of polyurethane-foam-in-place within the building envelope.
  • To achieve this mission, the BEC will review and support the development of methods for performance evaluation of SPF, participate in activities leading to development, documentation and dissemination of information on applications of SPF in different building envelopes and systems.
  • To participate in the planning, organizing, documenting and supporting of construction and monitoring of selected demonstration projects with SPF in the building envelope in cooperation with the Steering Committee.
  • To assist the Board of Directors and Marketing Committees in developing and carrying out market oriented programs.

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Certification Committee is comprised of three subcommittees. Each plays a distinct role in the development of the certification program, the testing process, and the curriculum. The PCP is compliant with ISO 17024.

  1. The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Committee is responsible for the overall certification program. This is all done in compliance with the ISO standard.
    Chair: Bonnie Strickler, PUFF Inc.
  2. Certification Scheme Committee (CSC) is responsible for testing protocols, content, and overview.
    Chair: Ron Winkle, Roof Asset Management
  3. Training Subcommittee is responsible for curriculum alignment with the Learning Objectives defined by QAP. Curriculum also aligns with the recommendations and finding of SPFAs Technical Committee.
    Chair: Cole Fletcher, Quadrant Performance Materials

Mission Statement

To deliver and operate a focused, consistent and attentive, world-class professional sprayfoam certification program. Continuously raising, establishing, and raising again the bar on safety, performance, quality and professionalism among SPF industry professionals. For the benefit of their businesses, personal safety, safety and satisfaction among customers, and to create the most solid of foundations for future growth, personal and industry distinction.

That the SPFA Professional Certification Program is the most rigorous, extensive and defining program for the SPF professionals in the world. That it be consistent with all industry standards, best practices and known building science, and accessible and affordable among our intended constituency. That it be the measure of personal and professional accomplishment in the industry, and a demonstration among professionals of the essential knowledge, skills and abilities inherent among the highest class of sprayfoam professional.

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Consultant Committee was formed to address programs, issues, and documents that relate to and affect consulting services of the SPF industry.

Chair: Tom Harris, Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC (email Tom)

Mission Statement

To establish a technical resource within SPFA to address programs, issues, and documents that relate to and affect consulting services of the SPF industry

To achieve this mission, the Consultant’s Committee will (in cooperation with SPFA’s other technical and educational committees) establish criteria & and procedures for SPF inspections, provide peer review for educational courses, articles and presentations related to SPF applications and provide guidance for expert witness activities related to SPF applications. 


This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The SprayFoam Convention & Expo Planning Committee provides planning assistance to SPFA for the annual convention and exposition. This group consists of a mix of contractors and suppliers and help to bring a variety of ideas from each segment of our association in regards to the convention.

Chair: Denny Vandewater, Conklin Company Inc. (email Denny

Mission Statement

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The SPFA Equipment Committee addresses all technical issues regarding spray equipment, auxiliary equipment and spray rig operations and maintenance.

Chair:           Bill Springer, Spray Foam Systems (email Bill)
Vice Chair:    Dan Dorneanu, Palmetto Spray Foam (email Dan

Mission Statement

The mission of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Equipment Committee is to advance the safety, quality and performance-oriented use of spray polyurethane foam (SPF) equipment through collaboration, innovation, evaluation, and education. We are dedicated to promoting best practices, developing industry standards, and providing resources and support to equipment manufacturers, SPF contractors, and end-users. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and risk management, we aim to elevate the safety, quality, and performance of SPF applications, contributing to the sustainability, growth, and success of the industry as a whole.

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Geotechnical Applications Committee (GAC) is involved in all technical issues relating to SPF used for concrete lifting, soil stabilization and all other non-applications of SPF used in contact with the ground.


Chair: Samantha Poirier  (email Samantha)

Mission Statement

  • TBA

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The Government Affairs Committee monitors and responds to state and federal legislation that impacts the SPF industry.


Chair: Will Lorenz, General Coatings (email Will)
Vice-Chair: TBD

Mission Statement

  • TBD

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Marketing Committee is tasked with expanding recognition of SPFA through printed and digital methods. Members of their committee have marketing responsibilities within their companies. They bring their expertise and insight to SPFA.

Chair: Lamia Chahboune, Huntsman Building Solutions

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Membership Committee's vision is to work with the SPFA leadership team and champion ideas that create real value for the members of SPFA, promoting an environment that demonstrates the privilege of membership. The ultimate goal is to amplify a united front within our industry, bringing about positive transformation, as we navigate the ever-changing dynamics.

This is the public page for the committee. SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee. Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard. Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Roofing Committee is involved in all technical issues relating to SPF roofing and coating products, focusing on installation and inspection.

Chair: Bruce Schenke, Weathering Systems Services (email Bruce)

Mission Statement


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The Safety Committee is involved in all issues relating to chemical and general jobsite health and safety.

Co-Chairs: Chris King, Anchor Insulation & Brian Cote, IBP (email Chris) (email Brian)

Mission Statement

  • Develop and publish guidance documents on topics of general workplace, jobsite and chemical safety for the spray polyurethane foam (SPF) industry, compliant with regulatory bodies such as OSHA, EPA and other federal and state agencies; and
  • To identify, explore, develop, and communicate an understanding of safety issues facing to the SPF industry.

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.

The Social Media Engagement Committee (SMC) works with the Marketing Committee to support SPFA's presence on social media platform by ensuring timely posts and responses on Facebook, Twitter, LInkedIn, etc.

Chair: Tyler Fiske, Creative Polymers  (email Tyler)

Mission Statement

The Technical Oversight Committee provides review of all SPFA technical documents to assure accuracy and industry consensus.

Chair:             John Stahl, Preferred Solutions (email John)
Vice Chair:      Mac Sheldon,  Sheldon Consulting (email Mac)

Mission Statement

The mission of the Technical Committee is to provide a wide range of technical service to the Spray Polyurethane Foam industry such as, but not limited to:
  • Review existing documents and serve as a clearing house to ensure the “Continuity of Value” of technical information published by SPFA and others concerning the products and services to our industry;
  • Review, research, develop and issue documents concerning new products, systems and services AND
  • To identify, explore, develop, and communicate an understanding of technical issues facing our industry. 

This is the public page for the committee.  SPFA Members can view the activities of this SPFA committee if your member type allows you to join this committee.  Log in as a member to your My Profile page and select Committees and Groups on the left of your dashboard.  Click on the committee page name to access the members-only committee webpage.


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